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The 10 Presentation Expressions You Need To Give Any Presentation

The 10 Presentation Expressions You Need To Give Any Presentation

I know that one of the biggest challenges you face when it comes to presentations is what to say in between your content. Here are ten useful presentation expressions to help relieve some of the stress you may feel when you have to give a presentation. Let’s start from the beginning and go all the way to when you close the presentation.

1 - The Opening
Hi, my name’s ___ and let me start off by saying what a pleasure it is for me to speak to you today. I’m going to be spending the next ___ minutes talking about ___.

Every presentation has to have a beginning. Getting through the opening is key to feeling confident and creating a good first impression. Telling the audience how long you will talk is a good way to set expectations and to show that you are prepared and organized.

2 - Why You Are Presenting
The reason why I’m here today is to ___.

This is how you show the audience that you will talk about what they want to know. It shows you researched and prepared well.

3 - What Your Main Points Will Be
There are 3 things in particular that I want to touch upon today: Number 1 is ___; number 2 ___; and number 3, ___.

Try to use only three main points in all your presentations. It’s much easier for the audience to remember and forces you to only talk about what’s really important.

4 - How You Will Deal With Questions
And if you happen to have any questions, please save them for the end of the presentation and I’ll be more than happy to answer them for you. Sounds like a plan? OK then.

This is the simplest way to deal with questions: Save them for the end! Two things to remember, though: The first is that if there is a question even after you say this, you should answer it unless the answer would be too long. Second, make sure you leave 5-10 minutes extra time for the Q&A. This means a 15 minute presentation might only be 10 minutes. Make sure you fully understand the time requirements.

5 - Starting A Point
Okay, as I just told you a little while ago the first thing I want to discuss is ___

Here is where the main content of your presentation begins. This expression helps you remind the audience what you were going to talk about and also helps you stay organized.

6 - Ending A Point
Now that I’ve told you about ___

Once you have talked about a point, you need to tell your audience that you are finished with the point. You do this to help them follow the structure of your presentation. But this expression is especially useful because you will use it more than once… You will use this after all of your points until you finish your
presentation. Don’t forget this one and the next one!

7 - Transition To The Next Point
Well, next up is ___

Right after you end your point with the previous expression you will immediately introduce your next point with this transition expression. And just like the previous expression, you will use this after each of your points until you finish your presentation.

8 - Summary
So I’ve just gone over 3 things that you need to know about ___. Let me wrap up by quickly going over the key points.

You will use this expression after you finish your final point or topic. You do not need to use Number 6 or 7 again before using the summary expression. Since this is the summary of your presentation, be sure to quickly remind the audience what your main points were. You do not have to say everything again, just an overview is often enough.

9 - Starting The Q&A
So, time now for the Q&A. Who would like to start us off?

Remember at the start of your presentation you told the audience to wait before asking questions? Well, now is the time to begin the Q&A and answer those questions. Make sure you have left enough time for questions and that you know your topic well so you can do a good job answering. The Q&A is a very important part of your presentation because it helps the audience more clearly understand your presentation. Don’t forget to prepare to answer questions.

10 - Your Final Words
Alright. It looks like we’re out of time. It was a great pleasure to speak to you today. I want to thank you again for being here and for giving me the chance to talk to you. If you have any additional questions, or comments or feedback, please send me and email or give me a call. Thank you.


Finally, you have reached the end of your presentation. The most important part of this final expression is when you tell the audience that they can contact you and how they can do so. The reason is because someone might have questions he or she did not think of during your presentation or could not ask. Also, you may get other opportunities, so you need to let people know how to contact you.